Let's face it, when it comes time to choosing the right muscle-building product available, there are just too many variables to take into account: too many compromises, too many promises that you don't know are fact or just well-scripted fiction. You may be looking for a product that possesses or lacks certain compounds, you may be looking for a product that fits your budget, or you may just be looking for the best possible product that will meet your particular training goals and requirements.
So what do you do? You do your homework. After all, this is your body we're talking about - you need to know that all your hard work, dedication and pennies are being supported to achieve the most efficient, effective and satisfactory results possible.
But this can prove to be a time-consuming venture - for every proponent there is always an opponent. But the chances are that the true quality, effect and value of any particular product will be reflected in sheer weight of numbers. What that means is, unless you have tried a particular product and know what effects you can expect given your own unique bio-chemistry, you put your faith in others - as many "others" as possible. It takes a wise man to ask for the advice of others, and with that in mind I'm going to continue to select certain products that are available through the Explosive Nutrition website that have received numerous, widespread reviews. This should allow you, the consumer, to make your purchases with the most comprehensive information available.
Once again, this is another solid addition to the Cytosport product range. Although not an overwhelming figure, 16 reviews in this instance should be a realistic representation for this product's attributes. An '80th percentile' recommendation rating is very reassuring, with in fact only 1 person giving this product a negative review (see 'Final Thoughts'). Again, only two people were unsure in their recommendation of the product. In the categories of effectiveness, value and overall rating, Monster Mass performs very well with a minimum rating of 8.1/10. Below are the pros and cons that were listed by each individual who reviewed this product, giving you more detailed insight as to what this product is really all about:
FINAL THOUGHTSI'm often asked in my Expert Q&A section about what products I'd recommend as mass gainers. This would certainly be one of them, based on the analysis of the listed reviews. However, there are a couple of suggestions I'd like to make: Regardless if your goal is lean muscle building or pure bulk, I would not take a weight gainer shake immediately before bed - mass gainers have much higher levels of fats and calories that are harder to digest during long periods of inactivity, and any excessive carbs and sugars will inevitably get stored as fat, so don't purposefully aid to this increase. Ease of mixing is always the Achilles heel of mass gainers, largely due to the volume of powder to blend (apparently in order to hit the 50g protein mark requires 4 scoops, not 2). The main drawback to this product would be it's high fat content, even for mass gainers. Make sure that you keep your cardio levels high whilst using it to avoid excessive softness (which will always serve to raise and maintain your metabolism). And of course, if your gut is not used to shakes or mass gainers in particular, be prepared for some cramping and aching (something that you should get acclimatised to - if you don't, take it as a sign to back off on the volume of powder).
Bottom-line: If bulking up is your goal, this is a great choice. But remember, always be sure to first create the demand in your body for such a product, then supply that demand.