Lets face it: when it comes time to choosing the right muscle-building product available, there are just too many variables to take into account: too many compromises, too many promises that you don't know are fact or just well-scripted fiction.
You may be looking for a product that fits your budget, you may be looking for a product that possesses or lacks certain compounds. Or, you may just be looking for the best possible product that will meet your personal training goals.
So what do you do? You do your homework of course. After all, this is your body we're talking about - you need to know that all your hard work, dedication and pennies are being supported to achieve the most efficient, effective and satisfactory results possible.
But this can prove to be a time-consuming venture - for every proponent you find for a particular product, there will always be an opponent. But the chances are that the true quality, effect and value of any given product will be reflected in sheer weight of numbers. That means that unless you have tried a particular product and know the unique effects you can expect to see given your own bio-chemistry, you put your faith in others - as many 'others' as possible.
It takes a wise man to ask for the advice of others, and with that thought in mind I'm going to continue to select certain products that are available through the Explosive Nutrition website that have received numerous and widespread reviews. This will allow you to make your supplement buying decisions with the most comprehensive information available. This weeks product review: Animal M Stak
Below are the main pros and cons of each person who reviewed this product, given you more detailed insight as to what this product is really all about.
The immediate observation I make when reviewing the table above is the high frequency of similar positive effects compared to the low frequency of similar negative effects i.e. 23 reports of 'builds muscle' compared to 6 reports of 'not enough packs for the money'. For me, of course, the most attractive quality concerning this product is that it contains no steroidal substrates, and is suitable for natural bodybuilders and power lifters, including drug-tested athletes. As I've previously mentioned, you must create the need for a supplement in order to realise the benefits of taking it. If you're serious about your training, and perform a high volume, low rep approach with a lot of benching, squatting and dead lifting, this product is ideal. Just don't expect to realise the potential of this product is you do a light workout once or twice a week.
Increased appetite? Solid strength gains? Builds muscle? Be prepared to add a few £'s to your weekly shopping bill to give your body what it will need - you will not get bigger and stronger unless you consume an appropriate amount of calories to support and build new muscle mass. Personally, this is a product I will be looking to try during my next heavy phase of training.
To purchase Animal M Stak, please Click Here.