Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Product Review: BSN NO Xplode

Let's face it - when it comes time to choosing the right muscle-building product available, there are just too many variable to take into account: too many brands, too much science, too many compromises, too many promises that you don't know are fact or just well-scripted fiction. You may be looking for a product that fits your budget, you may be looking for a product that possesses or lacks certain compounds, or you may just be looking for the best possible product available that will meet your personal training goals. So what do you do? You do your homework. After all, this is your body we're talking about. You need to know that all your hardwork, dedication and pennies are being supported to achieve the most efficient, effective and satisfactory results possible. But this can prove to be a time-consuming venture - for every proponent you find, there will always be an opponent. But the chances are that the true quality, effect and value of any particular product will be reflected in sheer weight of numbers. That means that unless you have tried a particular product and know its unique effects on your unique bio-chemistry, you put your faith in others - as many others as possible. It takes a wise man to ask for the advice of others, and with that being said, I'm going to continue to select certain products that are available through the Explosive Nutrition website that have received numerous and widespread reviews. This will allow you to make your purchases with the most comprehensive information available. This weeks special offer is currently available on SPECIAL OFFER, only through Explosive Nutrition: BSN NO Xplode
I am often weary of pre-workout supplements. The end result is often subjecting your body to an avoidable intake of chemicals that have relatively little to no impact on true mass and strength gains. I have tried NO Xplode before in the past, and would be lying if I said that I didn't feel a slight kick in the pants after taking it. However, the above statistics show that after 531 reviews, this product has been received with only moderate support. A 60% recommendation is far from cast iron, and a 17% negative recommendation is an appreciable influence. The fact that there was nearly 13% of reviews who couldn't commit to a side is also a telling sign to this product. Generally across the board, this product rates only 70% in effectiveness, value and overall approval.

Below are the main pros and cons of each person who reviewed this product, giving you more specific insight as to what this product is really all about.


Notice that the pros are not overly enthusiastic, and are similar in numerical volume to the negatives. When I shop for a product, I look for more than 'OK' statements. There are a lot of negative comments that revolve around an upset stomach and the consequent WC activity that accompany it. Personally, you're already likely subjected your body to an intake of several powders; whey, creatine etc. This is an avoidable source of powder that your system could do without. If you're looking for a good 'pick-up' before a workout, just through back a banana with a little honey and caffeine. Even one of those '5 hour energy' gimmicks is effective for me.

There are people who cannot work-out without taking their pre-workout product. Whether this is because they have become dependent on such supplements or require the psychological placebo is a debate for another time. My advice; if you're curious, try it - just be honest with the true results you get from it.

To buy BSN NO Xplode, Click Here.

Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Product Review: Gaspari Intrapro

Let's face it - when it comes time to choosing the right muscle-building product available, there are just too many variables to take into account: too many brands, too much science, too many compromises, too many promises that you don't know are true or just well-scripted fiction.

You may be looking for a product that fits your budget, you may be looking for a product that possesses or lacks certain compounds - or you may just be looking for the best possible product available that will meet your personal goals.
So what do you do? You do your homework. After all, this is your body we're talking about. You need to know that all your hard work, dedication and pennies are being supported to achieve the most efficient results possible.
But this can prove to be a time-consuming project. For every proponent you find, there will always be an opponent. But the chances are that the true quality, effect and value of any particular product will be reflected in sheer weight of numbers. That means that unless you have tried a particular project and know the effects you can obtain that are unique only to you, you put your faith in others - as many 'others' as possible.
It takes a wise man to ask for the advice of others, and with that in mind, I'm going to continue to select certain products that are available through the Explosive Nutrition website that have received numerous, wide-spread reviews, so that you can make your purchases with the most comprehensive information available.
This week's selected product is available on SPECIAL OFFER only at Explosive Nutrition:

The first thing that should be noted when reviewing this product, is that it has received far fewer reviews than I have illustrated in previous blogs; Instead of hitting triple-digit reviews, this product has received only 8. However, I believe these to be a true representation of the product based on Gaspari's standing in the supplement community, and the over-whelming positive reviews that Intrapro has received. A 100% recommendation rating is a rare thing, and should encourage your decision to use this product.

Below are the main pros and cons that were given by each person that reviewed this product, giving you more specific insight as to what this product is really all about.

The majority ruling on this product is that it builds muscle and tastes great. It certainly is a very pure, high-quality protein source, and the 'no added sugar' is also a clear benefit. As for 'stinky farts', well - any user of protein supplements will tell you that protein and farting go hand-in-hand. And as far as expensive is concerned, Explosive Nutrition make this product as affordable as possible. Bottom-line: definitely worth a try. Enjoy! Click Here to buy Gaspari Intrapro

Wednesday, 2 March 2011

Product Review: USP Labs, Jack3d

Let's face it - when it comes time to choosing the right muscle-building product available, there are just too many variables to take into account; too many brands, too much science, too many compromises, too many promises that you don't know are true or just well-scripted fiction. You may be looking for a product that fits your budget, you may be looking for a product that possesses or lacks certain compounds - or you may just be looking for the best possible product available that will meet your personal goals.
So what do you do? - You do your homework. After all, this is your body we're talking about; you need to know that all your hard work, dedication and pennies are being supported to achieve the most efficient results possible.
But this can prove to be a time-consuming project - for every proponent you find, there'll always be an opponent. But the chances are that the true quality, effect and value of any particular product will be reflected in sheer weight of numbers. That means that unless you have tried a particular product and know the effects that you can obtain that are unique only to you, you put your trust in others - as many 'others' as possible.

It takes a wise man to ask for the advice of others, and with that in mind I'm going to continue to select certain products that are available through the Explosive Nutrition website that have received numerous, wide-spread reviews, so that you can make your purchases with the most comprehensive information available.

This week's product review: USP Labs Jack3d

The first thing you should appreciate about these results is that 674 reviews is an incredible number - the fact that this many people felt compelled to submit a review of this product is a testament to the product's controversial reputation and it's powerful pre-workout attributes. A positive recommendation of nearly 85% is a solid value, supported by 570 different users. While there are some negative and uncertain reviews of this product, the sheer weight of numbers will inevitably show evidence that this product's potency will disagree with a very small minority.

Below are the main pros and cons that were given by each person that reviewed this product, giving you more specific insight as to what this product is really all about:


Unfortunately, this is a product that I have no personal experience with. However, the fact that this product has received such a controversial reputation makes me approach Jack3d with a sense of cautious interest. This product has been on the market for years, I was aware of it when I was wrestling in the States, and remember that several of my buddies who tried this product enthusiastically reported the increased energy effects and the pump it gave them. This is in no small part due to a certain compound - 1,3 Dimethylamylamine, "while completely legal, it behave like a very mild amphetamine in your body".

Alarm bells should be ringing whenever a product requires an official defense statement, although this was mainly brought on by supposed rumours of athletes receiving 'false positives' during drug-screening tests.

Bases on the above evidence, this product - more than most - should be treated with caution when discovering its particular effects on your unique physiology. There is no doubt that this product is highly effect in the fields of energy, pump and focus. The ability to lift more weight AND keep your strength gains is of particular note. Pre-workout supplements are something I have tried to avoid in the past as I've never wanted to become dependent on chemicals to achieve an efficient workout.

But I am intrigued enough by this product that I will try it out on my next intense weight-lifting cycle, if only as to figure out if was worth replacing the 'e' with a '3'. My guess is; Yes.