Saturday, 25 September 2010

Resistance Program #3 - Shoulders

"Shoulders like Boulders" has always been one of my favourite weight-training slogans (together with the classic "Don't TRI to get Bi, or you'll get TRAPped!" as you hit the appropriate pose as you go along). Before I go off on a tangent, I'll stop there. Needless to say, Shoulder workouts have always been my favourite training day.

The classic 'V' shape that is such a desirable trait to any bodybuilder is largely responsible to a well developed shoulder girdle that can add so much to someones physical stature. Shoulder width is , to a great extent, determined by skeletal structure, that is something you are born with. But with proper side deltoid development, anyone can create a wide shoulder look.

The deltoids are extremely versatile, and for a complete range of movement, they have three distinct lobes of muscle called heads: the anterior (front), the medial (side) and the posterior (rear) head. There are two basic kinds of exercises for the shoulders - straight arm raises and presses. An ideal shoulder workout should include several variations of these basic exercises targeted to each specific area of the deltoids for all-round development. And of course, the Trapezius muscles tie the neck, deltoid and latissimus muscles together.

In fact, because there are so many different combinations of exercises targeting the different heads of the deltoids, my only problem when constructing my shoulder routine is that I just want to include too many exercises! Anything over 25 sets seems to be excessive, and yet I feel this routine truely pushes my limits and forces my muscles to grow. The best thing is to periodically swap out old exercises for new ones, never allowing your body to grow accustom to any one type of movement.

1. Behind the Neck Barbell Press (4 sets @ 6 reps)

The purpose of this exercise is to train the front and side deltoids, and is an excellent mass builder. Any pressing movement involves the triceps as well. I would definitely start with this exercise as it is by far the most demanding in your routine. Can be performed in either a sitting or standing position, although I personally prefer standing as I feel I can lock out my spine better to avoid unnecessary strain, although the movement will be stricter when seated. As in all pressing movements, keep your forearms perpendicular to the floor (vertical) to transmit the pressing force with the most efficiency and avoid undue strain. Press the weight straight up and lower it again, keeping it under control and your elbows tucked as far back as possible during the movement.

2. Dumbbell Presses (4 sets @ 12 reps)

To train the front and side deltoids. This exercise may seem to be similar to barbell presses of various kind, but there are important differences, the most significant being the greater range of motion you get when using dumbbells. You will also be forced to incorporate ancillary muscles to stabilise the weight during the movement, and train both deltoids independently. Also, because you have just finished a heavy pressing movement, the deltoids are now pre-exhausted to a degree, and you will be able to use a relatively lighter weight than normal to achieve a similar exertion. Keep your elbows out and palms facing forward.

3. Heavy Dumbbell Shrugs (4 sets @ 12 reps)

To develop the trapezius muscles. This exercise can be done extremely heavy to thicken the traps, which will really help create a visually impressive back. I prefer using dumbbells to barbells because I feel I can achieve a better range of motion, forcing my shoulders back to really make my traps work hard. Also works the forearms as a secondary effect. I would highly recommend using lifting straps on this exercise, weight-lifting 'purists' be damned. The purpose is to train your traps, not your grip strength. It's very frustrating to be limited on an exercise due to a loss in grip strength, not fatigue in the targeted muscle area. When performing the shrugging movement, raise your shoulders as high as you can and hold for a moment. Try not to move anything but your shoulders.

4. Standing Bent-Over Dumbbell Laterals (4sets @ 12 reps)

To develop the rear deltoids. Rear deltoid are a weak point in the majority of people, including myself, so before my shoulders get overly fatigued, I like to throw in a strict dumbbell movement to target them hard. Stand with a dumbbell in each hand. Bend forward from the waist 45 degrees or more, letting the dumbbells hang at arms length below you, palms facing each other. Without raising your body, lift the weights to either side of your head, turning your wrists so that the thumb ends up lower than the little finger. (Don't allow your arms to drift back behind your shoulders - you're targeting the rear deltoids, not your back muscles).

5. Arnold Presses (4 sets @ 12 reps)

It would be a sin not to incorporate the favourite deltoid exercise of The Man Himself. The purpose of this exercise is to develop the front and side heads of the deltoids. "This is the very best deltoid exercise I know, and I always include it in my shoulder routine" says Arnold. By using dumbbells in this motion - lowering them well down in front - you get a tremendous range in motion. Start in a standing position, elbows at sides, grasp a dumbbell in each hand and raise the weights to your shoulders, palms turned towards you. In one smooth motion, press the weights up overhead, rotating your hands simultaneously to have palms facing forward at the top of the movement. Don't lock out your elbows at the top to maintain the strain on the deltoids, and reverse the motion, lowering and rotating the weight back to the starting position.

6. Standing Dumbbell Lateral Raises (4 sets @ 10 reps)

To develop the outside head of the deltoid, with secondary benefit to the front and rear heads. Take a dumbbell in each hand, bend forward slightly, and bring the weights together in front of you at arms length. Start each repetition from a dead stop to stop yourself from swinging the weight up. Lift the weights up and out to either side, turning your wrists slightly so that the rear of the dumbbell is higher than the front. Lift the weights to a point slightly higher than your shoulders, then lower them slowly. Avoid rocking back and forth to cheat the weight up. Can be performed seated for a stricter movement.

7. Seated One-Arm Cross Cable Laterals (4 sets @ 12 reps)

To develop the rear deltoids by isolating and flexing the rear deltoid when reaching the top position of the movement. Sitting on a stool or low bench, take hold of a handle attached to a floor-level pulley in such a way that your arm is fully extended across the front of your body. Keeping your body as still as possible, pull the handle across and up until your arm is fully extended to the side at about shoulder height. At the top of the movement, flex your rear deltoid to get a really full contraction. Return to the starting position, finish your repetitions, then repeat with your other arm.

8. One-Arm Side Cable Laterals (4 sets @ 15 reps)

By now, you should pretty much have nothing left in the tank, but there's always room for a final cable movement to really burn out the shoulders. Side cable laterals focus the work on the side delt head. This movement, which was a favourite of Sergio Oliva's, helps bring out definition in the shoulders and works the rear and front heads as well. You won't need to use much weight at all in the strict movement - 5-8kg should be plenty. Stand upright, with your arm down by your side holding on to a handle attached to a floor level pulley. Place your other hand on your hip. Keeping your arm straight, lift it up in an arc in one smooth motion until it is higher than your head. Lower your arm back to your thigh. Finish your repetitions, then repeat with your other arm.

"Not Everyone Can Be The Best, But Everyone Can Be The Best That They Can Be"

Saturday, 18 September 2010

Resistance Program #2 - Back & Triceps

O.K, here we go: Back and triceps on body-part isolation training. Under normal circumstances, I like this work-out to follow on from my chest and biceps training. My reason being that if I get chest, back, biceps and triceps out the way, the next day I can work legs and give my upper body a chance to rest before I hit shoulders the day after legs, get it?

Developing a broad, thick and massive back is absolutely necessary in the creation of a quality bodybuilding physique. Strong back muscles are essential for lifting and carrying heavy weight, and a highly muscular back has always been considered the measure of a man's strength. I am a firm believer of stretching and flexing the muscles in between sets, and this is especially important for your back. Continually stretching the lats also helps achieve that long sweep and low tie-in at the waist that can make a well developed back look so impressive.

The triceps is a larger muscle mass than the biceps, and it needs training from more angles. When somebody says, "Wow, look at the size of that guys arms!" you can be sure that it is the triceps that are creating that effect. The first step in triceps training is to build mass and strength of the muscle structure. This means doing the basic triceps press and extension movements, gradually adding more weight until the area begins to respond. But remember that anytime you straighten your arms against resistance - whether you are specifically doing triceps training or not - you will involve the triceps muscles.

1. Wide-Grip Chins to the front + Machine Lat Pull downs (4 sets @ 10 reps) / Triceps Cable Press downs (4 sets @ 15 reps)

The purpose of wide-grip chins to the front is to widen the upper back and create a full sweep in the lats. By chinning yourself so that you touch your chest to the bar rather than the back of the neck gives you a slightly longer range of motion and is less strict, allowing you to cheat slightly so you can continue your reps even after you begin to fatigue. Use an overhand grip, arms as wide as possible. In a smooth motion, pull up so that your chest touches the bar. Hold for a moment, and then lower yourself down slowly. I like to combine this exercise with machine lat pull pull downs at a lighter weight and much stricter movement to really maximise the contraction of the lats. Just make sure that you proceed immediately to this exercise after your wide-grip chins, there is no rest at this point.

Triceps cable press downs work the triceps through a full range of motion, and is a fundamental exercise of triceps training to begin with. Hook a short bar to an overhead cable and pulley, stand close to the bar and grasp it with an overhand grip, hands about 10 inches apart. Keep your elbows locked in close to your body and stationary. Do not lean over the weight to assist in the movement. Press the bar down as fully as possible, locking out your arms and feeling the triceps contract fully. There are a number of ways to add variety to this exercise, such as feet and hand positioning, type of bar used and range of motion. Start with the basic exercise and then experiment. Personally, I like using a bar that allows me to rotate my wrists forward at the end of the contraction.

2. Barbell T-Bar Rows (4 sets @ 12 reps) / TRX Overhead Triceps Extension (4 sets @ 12 reps)

T-Bar rows are unfortunately a rarity in many gyms these days, and are sometimes replaced by machine variations that simply do not allow you to gain the benefits of this excellent power movement for the back. As with any back exercise, you must fully concentrate on keeping your back straight and inline to avoid injury. The purpose of this exercise is to thicken the middle and outer back. I have been able to reconstruct a true T-Bar station by using a barbell placed in the corner of a weight-tree as a pivot point, with two gymnastic steps placed either side at an elevated height off the floor to allow for a full stretch and range of motion. Use a close grip 'V' handle and place in between the weight and barbell end to create the handle. Standing on a block with your feet close together, knees slightly bent, bend down and grasp the handles with an overhand grip. Straighten your legs slightly and lift up until your body is at a 45 degree angle. Without changing this angle, lift the weight up until it touches your chest, then lower it to arms length, keeping the weight off the floor.

I love that I can still incorporate a TRX exercise in my triceps routine that I feel is just as effective as a traditional lying triceps barbell extension exercise, but is much faster and convenient to transition to. It allows for a full range of motion in my triceps and I get a tremendous burning sensation when I use a very strict movement. Remember, the lower to the floor you are able to extend from, the more effort it will take to straighten the triceps.

3. Bent-Over Barbell Rows (4 sets @ 12 reps) / One-Arm Dumbbell Triceps Extension (4 sets @ 12 reps)

This is a favourite back exercise of mine that is designed to thicken and help widen the upper back, and to a lesser degree, add density to the lower back. Standing with feet a few inches apart, grasp the bar in a wide, overhand grip. With your knees slightly bent, bend forward until your upper body is about parallel to the floor. Keep your back straight, head up, and let the bar hang at arm's length below you, almost touching your shins. Using primarily the muscles of your back, lift the bar upwards until it touches your upper abs, then lower it again under control. Remember, think of tour arms and hands as hooks that are merely transmitting the contraction of your lats to the bar, and do not bring the bar up to your chest. When using bigger plates for heavier weight, it will become necessary to stand on a bench or block to allow you to lower the weight without touching the floor.

One arm triceps extensions with a dumbbell allows you to work the entire triceps and separate the three triceps heads. Grasp a dumbbell with an over hand grip and hold it extended overhead. Keeping your elbow stationary and close to your head, lower the dumbbell down in an arc behind your head (not behind the shoulder) as far as you can. Feel the triceps stretch to their fullest, then press the weight back up to the starting position. It is essential to do this exercise in a very strict motion. Check your form in a mirror, and be sure to alternate arms with no rest in between.

4. Bent Arm Pullovers With Dumbbell (4 sets @ 12 reps) / Heavy Dips (4 sets @ 8 reps)

The purpose of bent arm pullovers is to work the lower lats and serratus, but it also stretches the pectorals and helps widen the rip cage. This exercise can also be performed with a barbell or E-Z curl bar. Lie on your back along a flat bench. Reach back and grasp the weight on the floor behind your head. Keeping your arms bent, raise the weight and bring it just over your head to your chest. Lower the weight slowly back to the starting position without touching the floor, feeling the lats stretch out to their fullest. If you are lucky enough to find one in your gym, use a pullover machine - they allow you to work against variable resistance and provide a great arcing range of motion. This is the most valuable machine you can find in a gym.

Dips allow you to develop the thickness of the triceps, especially around the elbow. Taking hold of the parallel bars, raise yourself up and lock your arms out. As you bend your elbows and lower yourself between the bars, try to stay as upright as possible - the more you lean back, the more you work the triceps. From the bottom of the movement, press yourself back up until your arms are locked out. You can increase the effort involved in this exercise by using a weight hooked around your waist, or by only coming up about 3/4's of the way to maintain constant tension on the triceps.

5. Deadlifts (4 sets @ 8 reps) / One Arm Reverse Cable Press downs (4 sets @ 21's - 7,7,7)

Deadlifts work the lower back and are an overall power exercise that involves more muscles than any other exercise in your routine, including the lower back, upper back, trapezius muscles, buttocks and the legs. A strong lower back is especially important when doing movements such as bent over rows or T-bar rows, which put a lot of strain on this area. Place a barbell on the floor in front of you. Bend your knees, lean forward, and grasp the bar in a medium-wide grip. Keep your back fairly straight to prevent it from strain (if you curve your back you risk injury). Begin the lift by driving with the legs. Straighten up until you are standing upright, then throw the chest out and shoulders back as if coming to attention. To lower the weight, bend the knees, lean forward from the waist, and touch the weight to the floor before beginning your next repetition.

One arm reverse cable press downs allow you to isolate the triceps and develop the horseshoe shape of the muscle. Using an overhead cable and pulley, take hold of the handle with a reverse grip, palm up. Keeping your elbow fixed and unmoving, straighten your arm until it is locked out and extended straight down. Flex the triceps in this position for extra contraction. Allow your hand to come up as far as possible until the forearm approaches the biceps, feeling a complete stretch in the triceps. Repeat with the other arm with no rest in between.

"Not Everyone can be the best - but Everyone can be the best that they can be".

Monday, 13 September 2010

Resistance Program #1 - Chest & Biceps

I figured it was about time that I begin to cover my body part isolation training. Bodybuilding is a very opinionated profession - you've undoubtedly already discovered that five different body-builders will have five different methodologies on the same subject. However, they are all variations on proven methods that each person has tailored to suit their own specific requirements - be it working on weak points, time restraints, past or present limitations etc.

For me, I try to super-set wherever possible. A super-set is where you perform two exercises back-to-back with none to very little rest, counting as one set. They can target the same or different muscle groups e.g. twisting curls and concentration curls both work the biceps, or barbell bench press and chin-ups - a chest and biceps combo, and today's topic.

I personally love this combination. I've tried before to super-set chest/back, and biceps/triceps, and no doubt you get a fantastic double pump. But if you are going through a heavier phase in your lifting and really trying to blast that muscle group, then putting your two largest muscle groups together (chest/back) will take a lot out of you.

You'll also notice that my training is relatively high volume, in terms of the number of sets I perform. When I discovered that this was a favoured approach by Arnold, I adopted it as my own. Typically, 20-25 sets is considered high volume, and I would be reluctant to surpass this range (if you've performed your work out with a good intensity, you should reach near total muscle fatigue by this point). So here we go:

1. Flat Barbell Bench Press (4sets @ 6 reps) / Chin-Ups (4 sets @ 15 reps)

This is a classic combo, also one that Arnold favoured. Personally, at the beginning of my work out when my energy is at it's peak, I perform my heavier, compound exercises (although there are exceptions that I will point out). Bench press has always been regarded as the foundation of any chest work out. It's a terrific mass builder that incorporates multiple muscle groups (compound), but of course primarily trains the chest. Variations include changing the angle to either incline or decline that will hit the upper and lower part of the pecs respectively. I start with flat bench to maximise my press weight. I perform a low number of sets at a heavy weight, so that I can only just make the 6th rep). Bench Press is a great exercise to ask for the assistance of a spotter, so there is no fear of fatiguing mid-rep, and pushes your muscles harder. I perform this exercise with the purpose of mass building and power, hence only 6 reps, no more.

Chin-Ups are an often over-looked exercise, but again, I consider them to be the core of any biceps workout. A terrific exercise for increasing your power:weight ratio, people are often reluctant to incorporate them with the excuse "I can't do that many chin-ups". Well everyone has to start somewhere. If you can only do 5 today, then set a target for 6 next week. Gradually increase your number of repetitions until you hit the 15-20 range. I prefer full extension to get a maximum range of motion and a full stretch in the biceps. Perform them in a steady, controlled manner. Refrain from swinging your legs to gain leverage. Be strict and focus on the muscle group you've targeted.

2. Incline Dumbbell Press (4 sets @ 12 reps) / Standing Heavy Barbell Curls (4 sets @ 6 reps)

By inclining the bench, you are now targeting the upper portion of your chest. Using dumbbells not only forces your muscles to work harder due to stabilising effects incorporating multiple muscles, but it allows for a deeper range of motion than a barbell. You can also use relatively lighter weight, as your chest muscles have just been worked hard in a power exercise on flat bench presses.

The chin-ups you've just performed have also prepared your biceps for heavier lifting at a lower rep range. I also use the 'cheating method' as an intensity tool on this exercise (see my past blog on increasing work out intensity). This allows you to hit your muscles with a heavier weight that you could normally lift, again, with the intention of mass-building as a power exercise - But do not over-cheat! Remember the muscle group you've targeted, and focus on it.

3. Flat Barbell Pec-Flyes (4 sets @ 12 reps) / Seated Twisting Dumbbell Curls

I return to a zero decline to maximise the stretching, widening effect of the flyes. Again, don't be afraid to reduce the weight further, as the previous two exercises should have appreciably decreased your available chest strength. Go for a maximum stretch in your chest, but pay attention to your body - do not over-stretch as this can prove to be an irritating set-back to your exercise program. Remember that you want to maintain a slight bend in your arms and raise the weight in an arc, do not cheat and begin to press the weight - you're targeting the outer region of your pecs.

Many people fail to realise that the purpose of the biceps is not just to bend the arm, but to twist the arm too. This is an excellent full-range of motion exercise that helps to develop the length of the bicep. Start with the weight down by your side, palms turned inwards. As you curl the weight, smoothly twist the weight so that at the top of your curl, your palms are now facing upwards. Also, as a little trick, at the peak of your curl, make an extra effort to raise your little finger higher than the rest of your hand (still gripping!) and this will help target the inner bicep.

4. Heavy Dips (4 sets at 10 reps) / Concentration Curls (4 sets @ 12 reps)

For the longest time, I failed to realise that dips (normally associated as a triceps exercise) was also a powerful chest exercise designed to target the lower pectoral region. The difference between primarily hitting the chest and triceps is a combination of body angle and arm positioning. To target your lower pecs, allow your elbows to splay out to the side, and lean forward slightly when performing the dipping motion. Conversely, keeping your elbows tucked in close at your side and an upright body posture will more specifically target your triceps. Remember which muscle group you're supposed to be targeted and focus on the body positioning to achieve it.

I like leaving concentration curls near the end of my work out, when my biceps are already pretty fatigued, as it forces me to use a lower weight and go for maximum muscle contraction. This is a very strict movement, absolutely no cheating. Perform in a slow controlled manner, allow for a full stretch in the biceps, and when you reach the top of your curl, hold it for a second before lowering the weight. Try incorporating the 'stripping method' as an intensity tool - if you begin to struggle to complete the set, do as many as you can at the weight before you complete the set with a lower weight.

5. Cable Flyes (4 sets @ 15 reps) / Dumbbell 21's (4 sets @ 21 reps)

By now, your muscles should be near totally fatigued. Cable exercises are great to incorporate at the end of your workout, as you can use a weight that allows for a steady pull from gravity (when you curl a free weight, gravity strains your muscles unevenly at different points in the curl). I go for a high rep range to finish and hold the flye at it's contraction to really feel it in my chest. Remember that the motion should be an arc, with arms slightly bent, do not press the weight.

21's get their name from performing three lots of 7 reps that actually count as one set. The gimmick is that when curling, your first 7 reps should be from where your arms hang, to a horizontally raised position (a partial curl). The next 7 reps should be from this horizontal position to the peak of your curl. The final 7 reps should then be full range of motion curls. This is an excellent biceps exercise to finish on. You should feel a distinct burn and really struggle to complete your sets (I use 10kg dumbbells, and that's pushing it for me!) Very good for muscular endurance, and using dumbbells instead of barbells also trains your muscles independently and harder than a barbell. Also, as a little trick, grip the dumbbell with your fist firmly against the inside of the dumbbell handle - as you fatigue, your fists will naturally want to turn inwards. By holding the dumbbell grip this way forces your wrists to be turned out by the off-centered weight distribution, allowing your biceps to be targeted better for longer.

"Not Everyone Can Be The Best, But Everyone Can Be The Best That They Can Be"

Friday, 3 September 2010

Gym Etiquette 101

Ask any 'veteran' of the gym, and they'll tell you that there are unspoken laws of conduct that should be followed when working out. To some new gym-goers and health club enthusiasts, such covert expectations may seem a little daunting or even unnecessary. However, with the continual growth of the health & fitness industry, and the ever-increasing expansion of gym and health club memberships with novice gym 'virgins', gym etiquette has become a lost code of practice.

However, part of the problem in defining gym-floor etiquette is that most gyms and health clubs expect, and leave it up to, their members to know which behaviours are acceptable, and which ones aren't.

And let's face it - Violating gym etiquette is something that everyone has done at some point in their work-out. It can be an honest mistake, or a blatant act of defiance (I'm just as guilty as anyone else from occasionally making an infraction of good etiquette). But I am an honest gym-goer, and so I decided that I should create the '10 Commandments' of gym-floor etiquette to serve as a guide and reminder to us all during our work-outs. Spread the word, email this blog to your friends, co-workers and associates.

Together, we can make the gym a better place, just remember this simple equation:

Good Gym Etiquette = Common Sense + Good Manners + Observation

Gym Etiquette 101
  1. "Thou Shalt Not Horde" This is certainly one of my biggest personal pet peeves. You see it all the time - people grabbing 2,3 or more sets of dumbells, sitting down at a bench, and denying other people the chance to use them. The worst part is that they may not even need to use a certain set for an appreciable amount of time, but instead of sharing the weights, they'll protectively horde them. When the gym floor is very quiet, such as off-peak times or when there are very few other members around, this is acceptable. Otherwise, just use what you immediately need.
  2. "Be Kind To Thy Neighbour" As a follow-on to rule #1, be gracious and allow other gym-goers the opportunity to share equipment that you may currently be using. Often known as "working-in", during a rest period, let the other person jump on for a set. Remember how it feels when you need to use a piece of equipment that someone else is using. Inevitably, allowing someone to jump on for a set in between your own will have no damaging effect to your work-out, and may even encourage you to rest for less time, thereby increasing your workout intensity.
  3. "Return Them from Whence They Came" Everyone should at least know to return any weights to their appropriate weight-tree or cradle after finishing with them, often because this is likely to be the only sign that a gym or health club will post as to gym-floor etiquette. Remember how irritating it can be when you have to strip the weight off a piece of equipment before you can use it?
  4. "Thou Shalt Not Block Thy View" The official purpose of having mirrors in a gym is to allow the person to check their form and to see the effect that a particular exercise is having on their body. It always angers me when someone quite unnecessarily obstructs my view of myself in the mirror or simply decides to work-out directly in front of me. It distracts from my focus when I have to stare into the back of someone (or worse). Wherever it is possible, allow a free line of sight to the person(s) behind you.
  5. "Thy Cell-Phone Should Stay Silent" Personally, when I work out, I cut out all possible distractions that could impede my progress. Unless you're expecting an urgent phone call, refrain from bringing them on the gym-floor, and if you must keep one with you, step outside or away from other gym goers. Most certainly, do not continue to talk and monopolise any equipment whilst having your discussion
  6. "Thou Shalt Not Sew In A Circle" When you workout, you should be focused and concentrating on the task at hand. It's great when you workout with your friends and colleagues, but if you want a social, go and get a coffee somewhere. Few things frustrate me more than a group of people, standing around the equipment, talking and not using it.
  7. "Thou Shalt Wipe Down The Equipment" Sweating is a natural, healthy physiological response to exercise - just make sure you don't leave yours behind on the equipment when you're finished using it. Get in the habit of bringing a towel, or even just a wipe down with paper towels is preferable to doing nothing.
  8. "Allow Other's To Drink From The Well" I can't stand this one - in between sets, I'll often grab a sip of water, takes a few seconds. If you have a bottle to fill, that's fine, but take a look behind you when you do. If no one's waiting, go ahead. But if there's someone else waiting without a bottle, chances are they'll take a few sips and be on their way. Allow these people to jump ahead of you before you take the time to fill your bottle.
  9. "Thou Must Check Before Thou Uses" O.k, so how are you to know if someone is using a piece of equipment if they aren't standing by it? Simple: Stop. Look around. If there are other gym users near by, ask them if they've seen anyone using the equipment recently. If someone is using it, ask them if you can 'work-in with them'. If they are gym savvy, they should say "yes". Otherwise, wait until they finish.
  10. "Keep Thy Music Down" Some people like listening to Hip-Hop. Others, R n' B. Heavy Rock is another popular choice. Personally I like listening to 80's power ballads. Whatever you're taste in music, make sure you keep it to yourself. It's very irritating when I'm trying to focus on an upcoming set of heavy lifting when Lady GaGa is meowing out of someone else's head phones.

Remember: "Not Everyone Can Be The Best, But Everyone Can Be The Best That They Can Be"